Liz Gorman Art Photography

A sleek photography portfolio website
A multipage showcase of the photographers work. Minimalist design with bold, photo-heavy content.
Parallel Reader

A Chrome extension for language learning
Read any online article or text as a parallel text. Save/Hear/Look up words from within the reader.
React, Chrome API
To the pub!

A nifty pub finding web app
Find the nearest pub. Immediately.
Get directions, filter by tag, edit location.
MapboxGL JS library, SCSS, Vanilla JS ;; Node, Express, MongoDB Atlas.
Colour Brain

A colour game
Test your memory and colour theory intuition
Match and remember colours in a fun, visual game
Frikkin Aliens

A retro 2D alien shooter game
A simple but effective space shooting game. Includes a variety of weapons, enemies and powerups.
I like food (making it and eating it)
I like music (making it and listening to it)
I like internet stuff (making it and making my eyes square with it)
Please see a selection of my projects or check out GitHub for more examples of my work (see the READMEs) or reach out to say hi.
Currently based in the UK.
What I know
The best place to get an idea of what I can do is by looking at my projects.
What I use: